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Education is a social process. Society uses education as a means of socialization of its future generation. It also uses education as a means of preserving and transmitting its culture. Education is also a part of the plan of future development of a society. Society uses education as a means to develop its life standard and to make its life more comfortable. Society establishes and protects education for this purpose. It also influences the type of education given in the schools. Society also influences the curriculum implemented in the educational institutions. All the societies are integrated in the form of a state and the education is based on the policy of a states. State has become a legitimate organization for looking after the welfare of people living inside its territory. As a large organization of societies, states uses education as the planning of future.
Although state makes a plan to provide educational opportunity to all of its citizens without any discrimination, but there are many factors which hinders the access of education of the various groups of society. Many groups of society are not able to adequately enjoy the educational opportunities provided to them because of various reasons.
The state should have to adopt a special social policy for education of the child mainly of the deprived groups. Apart from providing all an equitable chance to education, society wants to propagate some idea among its member. This also becomes a part of social policy. The main policies of a society in modern times are as fallows:
  1. Equal for disadvantaged
  2. Equal for delinquents
  3. Equal for national integration
  4. Equal for international understanding
Untouchability has been practiced in the society for a long time in developing countries like:Nepal, India and other backward countries which has become one of the most common social evil. It has been practiced in some backward societies by backward and conservative people.
In the past, The people, who could earn more money and become rich , established themselves supreme. The people who involved in poorly paid professions could not establish themselves as the normal people. They became poorer and poorer because of the egoism of the rich, they gradually started calling the poor the 'untouchable' . The poor could not raise the voice for their rights. Gradually the practice of untouchability was established in the societies, and it has been in practice since then.
The oppressed may start destructive struggles against the social structure; and it ultimately invites hatred, hostility, betrayal, brutality, and so on among the people. They cannot enjoy human rights. The practice of untouchability stops people from building up fraternity among them. It also stops people from being virtue to uplift human civilization.
In order to raise the socio-economic status of the untouchable, particular programmes should be implemented. It is realized that the organization established in the name of untouchable cannot raise their status; rather they are registered untouchable for ever. Therefore, such organization should be reformed.

Therefore, such social evil should be removed from the society as far as possible. Because untouchability is one of the most deeply rooted evil performed by a people who think untouchability as an slogan. In this twenty first century, also don't follow such social evil 'untouchability' which stigmatized our identification and dignity. I request all of the people or viewer not to perform such bad social evil 'untouchability' . I hope u will not will u ?

The town areas differ from village in terms of facilities, life styles and settlements and large markets, dense and crowded settlements and facilities like road, transportation and communication have characterizes the city areas. However, village life is better from health point of view. There is fresh air, clean water and scattered settlement. The most effective way to minimize those problem is to maintain planned urbanization.
  • Provision of facilities in rural areas:
The major causes of unplanned urbanization is the lack of various services and facilities in the rural areas. The rural areas still lack the most rudimentary services and facilities. Therefore, the services and facilities associated with drinking water, electricity, health, communication and education should be provided in the rural areas as well which helps to minimize the adverse effects brought y unplanned urbanization
  • Employment opportunity:
People are attracted toward town areas for the income generation. Business, industry and income generation projects are the major source of employment. In which employment opportunity also plays a vital role to solve the problem of unmanaged urbanization.
  • Dormitory towns:
For the planned urbanization village areas should be facilitated and converted into small towns, so that it can be converted into larger cities. In such areas various programmes about income generation, cottage industries and employment should be launched. It discourages the unplanned urbanization.
  • Decentralized development:
Caring out development activities in all the areas in a balanced way helps to balance the distribution of population. The strategy should be well formulated so that it helps to establish the development programmes. Development is also one of the basic source to uplift the unmanaged urbanization into planned urbanization.
Historical Development of Education in Nepal
Although formal schooling in Nepal has a history of only about one hundred and fifty years, education of Nepal has long history of development. It is believed that Nepal has a glorious history of education because it was believed as " Tapobhoomi" for ancient Hindu priests. Traditionally education system of Nepal was guide by Hindu culture. In its very beginning it was a home-based system. Slowly it was transferred to gurukul or seminary, were the learned persons called as "guru" (teachers) were responsible for their education. The students had to live in these gurukuls for certain duration under the complete guidance of gurus. The gurus had to decide the type of education to be provided for the students.
The first modern school was established with the rise of Rana prime minister Jung Bahadur Rana established first school named as Durbar school in 1910 B.S. in the "Sakhchok" of his thapathali palace. It was based on English education system.This school was established with the purpose of providing education to the offspring and relatives of the ruler Rana family and the countries. The common people had not any access in this school. Although the modern education system begin with the establishment of this school, but the real development of education in Nepal took place only after 2007 B.S. after the establishment of democracy in Nepal. This historical development of education in Nepal from its beginning to modern time can be classified into four major periods. These periods are presented as fallows:
  1. Ancient period (before 1825 B.S.)
  2. Period of negligence ( 1825 to 1910 B.S.)
  3. Periods of opposition to education ( 1910 to 2007 B.S.)
  4. Period of expansion and development (2007B.S and onward)
it is all about education and socil problems,evils and disasters