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When facilities are centered in town areas, there will be the flow of migration of people from villages to towns. If the planning is not proper the settlement becomes unhealthy; the sanitation and water supply fail to meet the needs of people and Secretary and health aspects are ruined. Unplanned urbanization is the condition resulted by the improper planning which leaves adverse effects on the health, sanitation, Secretary, housing and other such aspects of life, marked with uncontrolled migration.

Effects of unmanaged urbanization
The unmanaged urbanization causes various types of problems.
They are described below:

  • Lack of facilities :
Unmanaged urbanization results and the lack of health service, transportation, electricity, communication facilities which leads to the condition of unemployment.

  • Unhealthy settlement:
A resendental area needs fresh air, clean water, greenery and clean surrounding. When these facilities lack, the settlement becomes unhealthy in which unmanaged urbanization leads to unhealthy settlement.
  • Social disorder:
The urban areas, which are not properly managed, have more population pressure. The service and facilities are inadequate for large population in which unmanaged urbanization also leads to social disorder.
  • Environmental degradation:
The town areas have to face the problem of deforestation, unmanaged disposal of solid waste and environmental pollution in which unmanaged urbanization causes environmental degradation.
  • Population pressure:
Unmanaged urbanization process causes population pressure. When people from village areas migrate to town areas, there will be uncontrolled population in the town which brings adverse effects upon the environmental aspects.

Education is a social process. It can perform different functions in society. The society designs education to play the following five functions in society. These function of education in society are:
  1. Development of personality of individuals.
  2. Transmission of culture.
  3. Preservation of culture.
  4. Socialization of young.
  5. Creation of knowledge.
Besides these general functions, education plays some specific functions in society. Education is considered as a social process. As a social process, it has to play different roles for the welfare and development of society. Sometimes, it has to preserve the societal beliefs and culture; sometimes it has to change them according to the need of society. It is education which also changes the culture according to need of changing society. In this way, it can be said that education has different alternative functions in society. The alternative functions being played by education in society are as fallows:

  1. Conservative function:
This function of education emphasizes on preservation of culture, value system and traditions of the society. It also emphasizes on the transmission of these culture, value system and traditions to the future generations. This function of education is considered as the conservative function on that emphasizes on the preservation and transmission of old culture and tradition.

  1. Progressive function:
Education is a means of development. It is also the carrier of development. All the changes in the field of knowledge are the net sum of research in the field of education. Society is subjected to change according to the change in the field of knowledge. No society can remain in a static condition. It has to change itself according to the need of its context.
Alcohol is a liquid substance, intake of which stimulates the human nerve and results in hallucination. Alcohol is produced by the process called fermentation. It acts on the central area of the brain. Brain acting are slowed down under its influence. When a man drinks alcoholic substances, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach walls. Remained 80% alcohol is only a little through the walls of small intestine. The blood carries alcohol directly to the brain and slows down a normal body function.
Ccauses of alcohol:
  1. Pressure from the friends.
  2. People think as if the personality grows when they drink alcohol.
  3. Some people take alcohol as the medium of reducing tension.
  4. In some ethnic communities alcohol is used in social rites and customs.
  5. Some people are attracted by the attractive advertisement of alcohol.
  6. Some people drink alcohol for the sake of pleasure.
  7. Young people are curious about the taste of alcohol.
  8. Imitation of family members is also a major reason for alcoholism.
Effects of alcohol:
Immediate effects
  1. A person becomes more talkative and aggressive.
  2. Person feels sleepy and depressed.
  3. Balance of the body is lost and accidents may occur.
  4. The capacity to make judgement is lost.
  5. Poor focus, double vision etc.
  6. The liver of the drunker becomes harder.
Long term effects
  1. Alcohol may causes ulcer, cirrhosis, gastritis and heart diseases.
  2. Alcohol also leads to infertility and sexual defunct.
  3. The digestion becomes wrost in the drunkard.
  4. Social prestige of a drunker is lost.
  5. Brain and spinal chord are highly effected by alcohol.
Tobacco is a plant. Its leaves are used for smoking or snuff. It is available in diff forms like chewing, smoking etc. It has been a common habit of many people which is a major social problem in a society. Its users are from young children to aged people. The new generation has been addict because of the fashionable age. They think themselves superior by using cigarettes. Similarly, the social structure has also become one of the major causes of smoking.
Causes of smoking
The various causes of smoking are given below:
Psychological causes
  1. Some people take smoking as the solace of tension.
  2. The smoker friends force them and they start smoking.
  3. Young children are curious about its taste. Therefore, they start smoking.
  4. Some people think that smoking gives pleasure.
Socio-cultural causes
  1. Some so called modern and well-off think smoking as a compulsion in party and gathering.
  2. In some villages parents ask their children to light it. They learn to smoke by this action.
  3. The children start smoking to show that they have become mature.
  4. The attractive advertisements attract children.
  5. Some youngsters take smoking as a status symbol.
  6. Children learn to smoke imitating their parents.
Effects of smoking
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is very poisonous for health. The modern generation has made smoking as an inalienable part of its life but smoking causes very hazardous effects to them. The effects of smoking are given below as short term and long term effects:
Short term effects
  1. Irritation of respiratory mucus.
  2. Increment of the pulse rate.
  3. The temperature of the body increases.
  4. Pattern of the brain wave changes.
  5. Damage of the optic nerve which may result blindness.
Long term effects
  1. Lung cancer and cancer of the larynx.
  2. Chronic bronchitis.
  3. Paralysis.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Coughing and hoarseness of the voice.
  6. Fetal damage in pregnant women.
  7. Teeth, skin and fingers become pale.
  8. Loss of money.
  9. The social status is damaged.
Controlling measures of smoking
  1. Awareness programmes against should be launched.
  2. Advertisement of such things should be banned.
  3. Deceleration of smoke free zone.
  4. If smoking is accidentally started, try to reduce with day by day practice.
  5. The government must impose a heavy tax on tobacco.
  6. Let the youngsters involve in recreational activities.
  7. Parents should demonstrate healthy practices by not smoking.
Formal education is the product of civilization and division of labor. It is the most planned form of education. Formal education of hierarchical nature which is divided into different grades. These grades are generally tied up with the age level.
Schools issue certificate as an indicator of success of examination which is also recognized by society. It develops knowledge in systematic manner. It takes place for certain duration in certain place at certain time. The education provided by schools, colleges are the example of formal education.
Although formal education is an organized and well planned system of education which is mainly responsible for the development of knowledge, it is also criticized by many educationists such as Paulo Frieze, Ivan/ Licha and Reamer for its more formalized structure. They criticize this system for providing piecemeal education, which is not according to the need of learners.
People have to wait for a long time to get their required knowledge from formal system. It provides knowledge in passive manner. The education is more examination oriented rather than skill oriented. The students acquire knowledge passively only with the aim of passing the examination and getting certificate.
Non-formal education system active as well as supplement education system to the formal educ-ation. It is a need based education system which does not require the fulfillment of formalities as the formal education needs. Any person requiring certain knowledge and skill can get this education without fulfilling any formality such as need to complete certain level of education.
Although, non-formal education has predetermined objective and curriculum but these are more need based. Examination may or mayn't take place at the end of education. It can take examination at the end of the program, but it is not concerned to pass or fail the learners. This education provides an alternative change to those people, who are not benefited from formal education. Adult education, continuing education, open education, functional literacy education, education for income generation and skill training are the example of non-formal education.
Informal education is truly a life long process. It does not have a certain objective and curriculum. It does not have a fixed time or limit. In this education system, the agency which provide education may or may not have a well defined objective and well targeted group of learners.
This type of education has no limit in terms of time, students amount of knowledge to be learned. The learners learns that thing which he directly experiences. Education from news, templates, radio program, posters etc are the example of informal education.
Drug is a sedative, stimulant and hallucinating entity. WHO defines drug as any chemical entity or group of entities other than those required for the maintenance of normal health, the adminis-
tration of which alters the biological function and possible structure. There are various kinds of drugs like smelling, chewing, injecting and so on. Nowadays the drug has been abused. It has become a major causes of ruin of the modern generation. They are losing their valuable life due to drug addiction. Drug abuse is the harmful to the user and the society as well. According to the range of their effects, drugs are classified into three major divisions:
1 Depressants: The drug of this kind suppress the function of body especially those of brain and its parts. They make body reactions slow and dull. It includes narcotics, tranquilizers and alchol.
2 Stimulants: Such types of drugs enhances the temper of a person and reduce hunger. It includes cocine, nicotine and caffeine.
3 Hallucinogens: Drugs distorts reality, thinking and perception. Such drugs produce hallucinations. Marijuana is an example of such drug.
Some major drugs are introduced here:
# Heroine: It is also called smoke or brown sugar. It was used as the pain killer in the past but nowadays due to its missue it is legally banned. It causes Hepatitis, aids, Tetanus.
# Opiates: Opiates are the medicine used for pain killing, to stop diarrhoea and cough. The addicts missue it.
# Codeine: It is generally the medicine of cough. It is legally banned in Nepal. It is made from the opiates.
# Buprenorpine: It is available in injection or tablet.
# Cannabis: Cannabis is made from marijuana. There are 3 types found in Nepal.
The intake of drug includes it user to use in the next time. They cannot leave this habit. Such habit forming intake of drug is known as drug addiction. This is a great global problem. The young generation is much affected by drug addiction. Therefore, we should be far away from such bad habit in our life.
Education is a process of drawing out the internal capabilities of people to make them capable to solve the problems of their life and adjust them to their social environment. This process is carried out in many forms. This process takes place from the cradle to grave. It is truly a life-long process.
People can get education both from planned and unplanned means. In ancient time, people used to get education in an unplanned manner. It was informal in nature. People used to acquire knowledge from direct experiences and they used to transfer their knowledge to their offspring. Their was no Barrett of age, place and duration. Their was no teacher and also no student. People used to acquire knowledge according to their need, will and interest. Many of such knowledge gradually vanished, because they were not property transmitted to others. In this way, society needed an institution which could property preserve their valuable experiences and transmit them to future generation in an organized manner which give birth to the modern schools.
Gradually, the education in school was organized in graded manner to develop it in a more systematic way. Schools developed examination system to valid the amount of acquisition of knowledge by an individual. They started to issue certificates as an indicator of acquisition of knowledge by the leareners. In this way, education from school became formal.
Formal education system limits education to schooling. It requires specific prerequisite to enter in this system. This formal structure of education podded many barriers for the attainment of meed based knowledge in terms of age, duration, place and prerequisite. This education is considered as more need based in comparison to formal education.
it is all about education and socil problems,evils and disasters