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Alcohol is a liquid substance, intake of which stimulates the human nerve and results in hallucination. Alcohol is produced by the process called fermentation. It acts on the central area of the brain. Brain acting are slowed down under its influence. When a man drinks alcoholic substances, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach walls. Remained 80% alcohol is only a little through the walls of small intestine. The blood carries alcohol directly to the brain and slows down a normal body function.
Ccauses of alcohol:
  1. Pressure from the friends.
  2. People think as if the personality grows when they drink alcohol.
  3. Some people take alcohol as the medium of reducing tension.
  4. In some ethnic communities alcohol is used in social rites and customs.
  5. Some people are attracted by the attractive advertisement of alcohol.
  6. Some people drink alcohol for the sake of pleasure.
  7. Young people are curious about the taste of alcohol.
  8. Imitation of family members is also a major reason for alcoholism.
Effects of alcohol:
Immediate effects
  1. A person becomes more talkative and aggressive.
  2. Person feels sleepy and depressed.
  3. Balance of the body is lost and accidents may occur.
  4. The capacity to make judgement is lost.
  5. Poor focus, double vision etc.
  6. The liver of the drunker becomes harder.
Long term effects
  1. Alcohol may causes ulcer, cirrhosis, gastritis and heart diseases.
  2. Alcohol also leads to infertility and sexual defunct.
  3. The digestion becomes wrost in the drunkard.
  4. Social prestige of a drunker is lost.
  5. Brain and spinal chord are highly effected by alcohol.


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