Formal education is the product of civilization and division of labor. It is the most planned form of education. Formal education of hierarchical nature which is divided into different grades. These grades are generally tied up with the age level.
Schools issue certificate as an indicator of success of examination which is also recognized by society. It develops knowledge in systematic manner. It takes place for certain duration in certain place at certain time. The education provided by schools, colleges are the example of formal education.
Although formal education is an organized and well planned system of education which is mainly responsible for the development of knowledge, it is also criticized by many educationists such as Paulo Frieze, Ivan/ Licha and Reamer for its more formalized structure. They criticize this system for providing piecemeal education, which is not according to the need of learners.
People have to wait for a long time to get their required knowledge from formal system. It provides knowledge in passive manner. The education is more examination oriented rather than skill oriented. The students acquire knowledge passively only with the aim of passing the examination and getting certificate.
Non-formal education system active as well as supplement education system to the formal educ-ation. It is a need based education system which does not require the fulfillment of formalities as the formal education needs. Any person requiring certain knowledge and skill can get this education without fulfilling any formality such as need to complete certain level of education.Although, non-formal education has predetermined objective and curriculum but these are more need based. Examination may or mayn't take place at the end of education. It can take examination at the end of the program, but it is not concerned to pass or fail the learners. This education provides an alternative change to those people, who are not benefited from formal education. Adult education, continuing education, open education, functional literacy education, education for income generation and skill training are the example of non-formal education.
Informal education is truly a life long process. It does not have a certain objective and curriculum. It does not have a fixed time or limit. In this education system, the agency which provide education may or may not have a well defined objective and well targeted group of learners.
This type of education has no limit in terms of time, students amount of knowledge to be learned. The learners learns that thing which he directly experiences. Education from news, templates, radio program, posters etc are the example of informal education.
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