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Female EducationA human society consists of men and women. If they both are educated, they can play a equal role. It is said that a man and a women are two wheels of a cart. If one of the wheels is weak, the cart cannot move properly. Normally fifty percent of the total population is occupied with females. If females are uneducated, fifty percent of the people of the country will be uneducated. The progress of the nation depends on female education too.

In most of the societies, women are neglected. They are considered to be the means of enjoyment and reproduction, but it is not good for the betterment of human civilization. In the context of Nepal, only less than 30% of female are literate whereas average literacy rate is 55%. Most of the women are limited within household activities.

Female education plays the prime role to faster conjugal life. Educated women can help their family, society, community and as well the country. Women should be properly trained. They need various kinds of skills and knowledge. It is said that females are not suitable for military trainings, but they should be given equal opportunities to choose their careers. Appropriate female education enhances freedom, justice and equality in opportunity.
In the context of a developing country like Nepal, illiterate should be made literate by running adult literacy classes for them. We all should encourage them to be literate and then educated. They can be taught properly by the educated women.

Furthermore, females themselves should be alert and dynamic to uplift their status, then males can support them for their betterment.


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it is all about education and socil problems,evils and disasters