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Generally woman's power is referred to as women empowerment. The prime keys to their empowerment, which are academic enhancement, economic independence and removal of discriminatory laws, play the crucial roles to strengthen and boost up their status; and ultimately human prosperity and dignity accelerate to the completeness of human civilization.
Women empowerment plays a vital role to gear up the pace of development of a well-cultured and just society. If women are weaker, development paces slowly. As most of the women in our unjust societies have not been provided fundamental rights, special program mes to empower them seem to be keys measures. Aptly balanced and richly harmonious social enhancement attributes to women empowerment in Nepal. That's why women empowerment, the key factor to social prosperity, proves to be a must to gear up the acceleration of humanity.
Furthermore, by repealing discriminatory laws of the state, the status of women in Nepal can be promoted because removal of them encourages the women to be empowered. For instance , women have not been provided with property right.
Women empowerment significantly contributes to human prosperity and dignity. Because of various social and legal factors which has been deeply rooted, special provisions to empower Nepalese women have to be implemented. The prime measures to women empowerment is the legal removal of inequality between men and women.


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it is all about education and socil problems,evils and disasters