Girl trafficking is literally defined as selling of girls illegally. It is a major social crime in country such as Nepal, India etc. It has been spread rapidly in some remote areas where people are uneducated, ignored and poor. Girls traffickers in Nepal are reported to sell girls in India.
Girls trafficking in Nepal seem to be a challenging problem. Girls traffickers have made a complex networks, to supply the girls they go to the remote areas pretending to be a social workers, teachers, officials etc. They try to influence the illiterate people. They lure the people in many ways.Girls trafficking is primarily attributed to ignorance, lack of apt public awareness, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment and intricate network of smuggling and girls trafficking. Girls trafficking results the entire violation of human rights. Therefore, girls trafficking adversely affects the prosperity of human civilization.
Girls trafficking proves to be a stigma of a country. It can be uprooted by making people conscious. Everyone is responsible to solve this problem. Furthermore, girls traffickers should be sentenced life imprisonment or the capital punishment by law. This crime needs entire measures to eradicate its existence for ever.
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