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When facilities are centered in town areas, there will be the flow of migration of people from villages to towns. If the planning is not proper the settlement becomes unhealthy; the sanitation and water supply fail to meet the needs of people and Secretary and health aspects are ruined. Unplanned urbanization is the condition resulted by the improper planning which leaves adverse effects on the health, sanitation, Secretary, housing and other such aspects of life, marked with uncontrolled migration.

Effects of unmanaged urbanization
The unmanaged urbanization causes various types of problems.
They are described below:

  • Lack of facilities :
Unmanaged urbanization results and the lack of health service, transportation, electricity, communication facilities which leads to the condition of unemployment.

  • Unhealthy settlement:
A resendental area needs fresh air, clean water, greenery and clean surrounding. When these facilities lack, the settlement becomes unhealthy in which unmanaged urbanization leads to unhealthy settlement.
  • Social disorder:
The urban areas, which are not properly managed, have more population pressure. The service and facilities are inadequate for large population in which unmanaged urbanization also leads to social disorder.
  • Environmental degradation:
The town areas have to face the problem of deforestation, unmanaged disposal of solid waste and environmental pollution in which unmanaged urbanization causes environmental degradation.
  • Population pressure:
Unmanaged urbanization process causes population pressure. When people from village areas migrate to town areas, there will be uncontrolled population in the town which brings adverse effects upon the environmental aspects.

Education is a social process. It can perform different functions in society. The society designs education to play the following five functions in society. These function of education in society are:
  1. Development of personality of individuals.
  2. Transmission of culture.
  3. Preservation of culture.
  4. Socialization of young.
  5. Creation of knowledge.
Besides these general functions, education plays some specific functions in society. Education is considered as a social process. As a social process, it has to play different roles for the welfare and development of society. Sometimes, it has to preserve the societal beliefs and culture; sometimes it has to change them according to the need of society. It is education which also changes the culture according to need of changing society. In this way, it can be said that education has different alternative functions in society. The alternative functions being played by education in society are as fallows:

  1. Conservative function:
This function of education emphasizes on preservation of culture, value system and traditions of the society. It also emphasizes on the transmission of these culture, value system and traditions to the future generations. This function of education is considered as the conservative function on that emphasizes on the preservation and transmission of old culture and tradition.

  1. Progressive function:
Education is a means of development. It is also the carrier of development. All the changes in the field of knowledge are the net sum of research in the field of education. Society is subjected to change according to the change in the field of knowledge. No society can remain in a static condition. It has to change itself according to the need of its context.
Alcohol is a liquid substance, intake of which stimulates the human nerve and results in hallucination. Alcohol is produced by the process called fermentation. It acts on the central area of the brain. Brain acting are slowed down under its influence. When a man drinks alcoholic substances, 20% of the alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through the stomach walls. Remained 80% alcohol is only a little through the walls of small intestine. The blood carries alcohol directly to the brain and slows down a normal body function.
Ccauses of alcohol:
  1. Pressure from the friends.
  2. People think as if the personality grows when they drink alcohol.
  3. Some people take alcohol as the medium of reducing tension.
  4. In some ethnic communities alcohol is used in social rites and customs.
  5. Some people are attracted by the attractive advertisement of alcohol.
  6. Some people drink alcohol for the sake of pleasure.
  7. Young people are curious about the taste of alcohol.
  8. Imitation of family members is also a major reason for alcoholism.
Effects of alcohol:
Immediate effects
  1. A person becomes more talkative and aggressive.
  2. Person feels sleepy and depressed.
  3. Balance of the body is lost and accidents may occur.
  4. The capacity to make judgement is lost.
  5. Poor focus, double vision etc.
  6. The liver of the drunker becomes harder.
Long term effects
  1. Alcohol may causes ulcer, cirrhosis, gastritis and heart diseases.
  2. Alcohol also leads to infertility and sexual defunct.
  3. The digestion becomes wrost in the drunkard.
  4. Social prestige of a drunker is lost.
  5. Brain and spinal chord are highly effected by alcohol.
Tobacco is a plant. Its leaves are used for smoking or snuff. It is available in diff forms like chewing, smoking etc. It has been a common habit of many people which is a major social problem in a society. Its users are from young children to aged people. The new generation has been addict because of the fashionable age. They think themselves superior by using cigarettes. Similarly, the social structure has also become one of the major causes of smoking.
Causes of smoking
The various causes of smoking are given below:
Psychological causes
  1. Some people take smoking as the solace of tension.
  2. The smoker friends force them and they start smoking.
  3. Young children are curious about its taste. Therefore, they start smoking.
  4. Some people think that smoking gives pleasure.
Socio-cultural causes
  1. Some so called modern and well-off think smoking as a compulsion in party and gathering.
  2. In some villages parents ask their children to light it. They learn to smoke by this action.
  3. The children start smoking to show that they have become mature.
  4. The attractive advertisements attract children.
  5. Some youngsters take smoking as a status symbol.
  6. Children learn to smoke imitating their parents.
Effects of smoking
Tobacco contains nicotine, which is very poisonous for health. The modern generation has made smoking as an inalienable part of its life but smoking causes very hazardous effects to them. The effects of smoking are given below as short term and long term effects:
Short term effects
  1. Irritation of respiratory mucus.
  2. Increment of the pulse rate.
  3. The temperature of the body increases.
  4. Pattern of the brain wave changes.
  5. Damage of the optic nerve which may result blindness.
Long term effects
  1. Lung cancer and cancer of the larynx.
  2. Chronic bronchitis.
  3. Paralysis.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Coughing and hoarseness of the voice.
  6. Fetal damage in pregnant women.
  7. Teeth, skin and fingers become pale.
  8. Loss of money.
  9. The social status is damaged.
Controlling measures of smoking
  1. Awareness programmes against should be launched.
  2. Advertisement of such things should be banned.
  3. Deceleration of smoke free zone.
  4. If smoking is accidentally started, try to reduce with day by day practice.
  5. The government must impose a heavy tax on tobacco.
  6. Let the youngsters involve in recreational activities.
  7. Parents should demonstrate healthy practices by not smoking.
Formal education is the product of civilization and division of labor. It is the most planned form of education. Formal education of hierarchical nature which is divided into different grades. These grades are generally tied up with the age level.
Schools issue certificate as an indicator of success of examination which is also recognized by society. It develops knowledge in systematic manner. It takes place for certain duration in certain place at certain time. The education provided by schools, colleges are the example of formal education.
Although formal education is an organized and well planned system of education which is mainly responsible for the development of knowledge, it is also criticized by many educationists such as Paulo Frieze, Ivan/ Licha and Reamer for its more formalized structure. They criticize this system for providing piecemeal education, which is not according to the need of learners.
People have to wait for a long time to get their required knowledge from formal system. It provides knowledge in passive manner. The education is more examination oriented rather than skill oriented. The students acquire knowledge passively only with the aim of passing the examination and getting certificate.
Non-formal education system active as well as supplement education system to the formal educ-ation. It is a need based education system which does not require the fulfillment of formalities as the formal education needs. Any person requiring certain knowledge and skill can get this education without fulfilling any formality such as need to complete certain level of education.
Although, non-formal education has predetermined objective and curriculum but these are more need based. Examination may or mayn't take place at the end of education. It can take examination at the end of the program, but it is not concerned to pass or fail the learners. This education provides an alternative change to those people, who are not benefited from formal education. Adult education, continuing education, open education, functional literacy education, education for income generation and skill training are the example of non-formal education.
Informal education is truly a life long process. It does not have a certain objective and curriculum. It does not have a fixed time or limit. In this education system, the agency which provide education may or may not have a well defined objective and well targeted group of learners.
This type of education has no limit in terms of time, students amount of knowledge to be learned. The learners learns that thing which he directly experiences. Education from news, templates, radio program, posters etc are the example of informal education.
Drug is a sedative, stimulant and hallucinating entity. WHO defines drug as any chemical entity or group of entities other than those required for the maintenance of normal health, the adminis-
tration of which alters the biological function and possible structure. There are various kinds of drugs like smelling, chewing, injecting and so on. Nowadays the drug has been abused. It has become a major causes of ruin of the modern generation. They are losing their valuable life due to drug addiction. Drug abuse is the harmful to the user and the society as well. According to the range of their effects, drugs are classified into three major divisions:
1 Depressants: The drug of this kind suppress the function of body especially those of brain and its parts. They make body reactions slow and dull. It includes narcotics, tranquilizers and alchol.
2 Stimulants: Such types of drugs enhances the temper of a person and reduce hunger. It includes cocine, nicotine and caffeine.
3 Hallucinogens: Drugs distorts reality, thinking and perception. Such drugs produce hallucinations. Marijuana is an example of such drug.
Some major drugs are introduced here:
# Heroine: It is also called smoke or brown sugar. It was used as the pain killer in the past but nowadays due to its missue it is legally banned. It causes Hepatitis, aids, Tetanus.
# Opiates: Opiates are the medicine used for pain killing, to stop diarrhoea and cough. The addicts missue it.
# Codeine: It is generally the medicine of cough. It is legally banned in Nepal. It is made from the opiates.
# Buprenorpine: It is available in injection or tablet.
# Cannabis: Cannabis is made from marijuana. There are 3 types found in Nepal.
The intake of drug includes it user to use in the next time. They cannot leave this habit. Such habit forming intake of drug is known as drug addiction. This is a great global problem. The young generation is much affected by drug addiction. Therefore, we should be far away from such bad habit in our life.
Education is a process of drawing out the internal capabilities of people to make them capable to solve the problems of their life and adjust them to their social environment. This process is carried out in many forms. This process takes place from the cradle to grave. It is truly a life-long process.
People can get education both from planned and unplanned means. In ancient time, people used to get education in an unplanned manner. It was informal in nature. People used to acquire knowledge from direct experiences and they used to transfer their knowledge to their offspring. Their was no Barrett of age, place and duration. Their was no teacher and also no student. People used to acquire knowledge according to their need, will and interest. Many of such knowledge gradually vanished, because they were not property transmitted to others. In this way, society needed an institution which could property preserve their valuable experiences and transmit them to future generation in an organized manner which give birth to the modern schools.
Gradually, the education in school was organized in graded manner to develop it in a more systematic way. Schools developed examination system to valid the amount of acquisition of knowledge by an individual. They started to issue certificates as an indicator of acquisition of knowledge by the leareners. In this way, education from school became formal.
Formal education system limits education to schooling. It requires specific prerequisite to enter in this system. This formal structure of education podded many barriers for the attainment of meed based knowledge in terms of age, duration, place and prerequisite. This education is considered as more need based in comparison to formal education.
Composition of population refers to the arrangement of population according to the social characteristics like age, sex, religion, occupation and martial status. Composition of population is based on the division of social hierarchical relations. The study of population composition is very important from various points of view. They are enlisted below:
* It helps to find out the structure of population on the basis of social status.
* It helps to government and other organizations to launch the programmes and make plans and policies.
* Population composition is the pillar of demographic study. It is the base of many theories related to population.
* In some cases, special programmes should be launched for backward and deprived people. Population composition helps in it.
* Population composition helps us to know how the social organization are formed. We can know about the diversity in religion, castes and many other social structures.
The composition of population is studied according to caste, religion, age, sex, occupation, language etc. Composition of population on the basis of various charestericities is given below:
Composition of population by age
Age composition of population refers to the study of population on the basis of various age group. There are three major divisions in age composition of people.
- 0-14 years
- 15-59 years
- Above 60 years
Among these age groups, 15-59 years is known as economically active population. The other two age groups are inactive or dependent population. The age composition of population helps us to know how many people are small children, how many of them are old and how many belong to reproductively fecund age group also. But it makes the study lengthily. Therefore, demographers have made the study quinquennial.
Composition of population by sex
The structure of population on the basis of male-female distinction is known as sex composition of population. Sex composition of population can be studied in regard to how many males and how many females live in a country.
Sex composition of population helps us to know about the arrangement of population on basis of male-female distinction. It helps to make plans and policies related to upliftment of female.
Urbanization is a development process of converting villages areas into town by managing services and facilities. Urbanization brings changes in physical facilities, teaching, social aspects and some other aspects. The process of urbanization also continues in association with the process of industrial development. The urban areas is also classified as municipality, sub-metropolitan and metropolises. The major reason for urbanization is rapid population growth and the tendency toward industrialization.
The process of urbanization commences with the provision of infrastructures-physical, economic and social aspects. The unman aged urbanization causes various types of problems with results in the lack of health services, transportation, electricity and communication facilities.
On the basis of management of facilities and its Harmony with environment, urbanization can be regarded as:
* Managed urbanization and
* Unman aged urbanization
Urbanization is called managed, in which the relationship among the different components of the environment is harmonious in which we can discuss unman aged urbanization.
Thus, urbanization results to the condition of unemployment too. In urbanization process, there is a massive destruction of forests, dense housing and improper disposal of the waste which leads the unman aged urbanization to unhealthy settlement. The limited amount of resources should be shared among the people which are inadequate for large population. Unman aged urbanization leads to social disorder too. Because of over-exploitation of resources, the unman aged urbanization causes environment degradation which effects upon the environment aspects. The most effective way to minimize those problems is to maintain planned urbanization which helps to reduce the unplanned urbanization.
The intents of any process are generally expressed by many words such as aims, goal, purpose, objectives etc. Generally these words are used as synonyms, but in actual sense all these word carry different meaning. The exact meanings of educative process are as follows:
Aims: Aims are social execution and desires towards education. They are broad and may cover the native life.
Purpose: It expresses the intention of the learner or the society towards getting education.
Goal: Goals are the more specifically worded statements which are related to the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed for the adjustment's in life.
Objectives: These are specific statements directed toward the acquiring of specific knowledge, skill and attitude.
Idealists believe that the aim of education is self realization, where as naturalists believe that aim of education is to develop the skill of self preservation. Realists believe that the ultimate aim of education is to develop the skills to individuals, which are necessary for the attainment of pleasure in the life.
The aim of the education differs nation to nation, place to place, time to time etc. It is precisely related to the aim of life and it changes to the life situation. It may be general or specific.

There is a great discussion among scholars about the entity of education as a separate discipline. Some scholars believe that education is not a separate discipline. It is only a loose combination of different disciplines such as philosophy, pedagogy, psychology etc.
A discipline is an internal body of knowledge which has distinct origin, theoretical structure, foundation and research methodology known as a product of human experience. Human beings are discovering different types of knowledge from very beginning of their own origin. They experienced the all natural phenomena around them and also find out the processes behind them. It developed a hierarchy of knowledge.
Education is a distinct disciplines which was the product of human experiences. Education originated due to the endeavor of human being to reveal the process of human learning. The main inquiry related to the origin of education as a discipline is " what are the real knowledge and how an individual acquires the knowledge" .
Education as a separate discipline is rich of the many facts, concepts, principle and laws, which furnish the theoretical structure of the discipline. All the inquiries related to field of education can be answered on the basis of those theoretical structure. All those features related to education supports the view that education is a separate discipline which has its distinct origin, theoretical structure , foundation and research methodology.
Generally, education means the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, intelligence, conscience, wisdom etc. Common people think it is the process which takes place in schools and colleges and the person, who has acquired certificate from those institutions can only be termed as educated. But in the real sense, it is not limited only to schooling. There is no limit of time, place and age for the acquisition of education.
People can acquire knowledge or education everywhere, in every moment of their life without the bound of age. They can get education from every source such as schools, parents, society, colleges, mass media etc. One can acquire the needed ability, knowledge skills, attitudes and aptitude from different means.
Education is the aggregates of all experiences by which a persons develops ability, attitudes and other forms of behaviour of practical value in the society and which they live. The meaning of education can be discussed from different perspectives. In this 21 century, education is one of the most important needs in our life which takes every one towards the perfection. On the same hand, education has proved as one of the most basic need for the people .In this way, i suggest all of the person to takes education as an required need .
Hypnosis is defined as the state like deep sleep in which a person's actions are controlled by another person. Production or practice of hypnosis is called hypnotism. The person who produces hypnosis on the next person is known as a hypnotist. The person on which hypnosis is produced and practised is called a subject. It is said that hypnotic trance is certainly useful and beneficial for the subjects.
There are many method of producing hypnosis; the most common method is given below.
The common procedures of producing hypnosis can be mentioned below:
* Step1: It is the stage of convincing the subject. The hypnotist tries to convince the subject by explaining the advantages of it.
* Step2: It is the stage of preparing and setting physical component's of the room. External stimulation's and disturbances are reduced to concentrate the subjects attention.
* Step3: It is the stage of light trance. The hypnotist starts suggesting the subject in a soft endless voice. The subject fallows his suggestions closing the eyes. At the stage, simple suggestions are given.
* Step4: It is the stage of the deep trance. The hypnotist starts giving difficult suggestion progressively. The subject cannot listen other speech's and sounds expect the suggestion given by the hypnotist.
It is said that the subject certainly gets benefits if he goes to the hypnotic trance. It is believed that some nervous infirmities can be cured, but it is said that intelligence and concentration of the subject are required for the successful hypnotism. It is the method of making subjects spell bound. It is like a magic for the subjects.
A man and a women are two wheels of a cart. They have equal roles in making the cart move properly. If ones of the wheels id weaker, the cart can't move properly as needed. A women cannot complete her duties if she is not provided her rights. We can realize existing prejudice in our society. All the women are not provided with their rights. We van realize prevailing discrimination between men and women.
Rights are basic requirements for human beings to enhance the status. Many dead traditions ans concepts stop the women from practising their rights. The women are uneducated or illiterate feel that they are not so capable as men. They feel themselves weaker. They depend on mam members of the family. They cannot enjoy any rights ans freedom. Some of the conscious and educated women enjoy differ modes ans freedom ans rights.
Legally, many rights are provided to women. For example, they are provided with the rights to be the candidates in the election. They can go anywhere freely to get jobs. They are equally welcomed in all the sectors. Their inferiority complex Aves sous-cultural hindrances stop them from practising ans enjoying their rights. Legally, they have been provided with the right to property, right to equality, right to work, right to politics etc. Nowadays, many women in Nepal are enjoying their rights.
'Women rights' in Nepal cannot be said measurable. The status of Nepalese women is improving. Our society has also reformed the evil traditions and practices. The social values and norms which are not fair have not been changed. But the women themselves should be more alert, dynamic and constructive to enhance their status and rights.
Generally woman's power is referred to as women empowerment. The prime keys to their empowerment, which are academic enhancement, economic independence and removal of discriminatory laws, play the crucial roles to strengthen and boost up their status; and ultimately human prosperity and dignity accelerate to the completeness of human civilization.
Women empowerment plays a vital role to gear up the pace of development of a well-cultured and just society. If women are weaker, development paces slowly. As most of the women in our unjust societies have not been provided fundamental rights, special program mes to empower them seem to be keys measures. Aptly balanced and richly harmonious social enhancement attributes to women empowerment in Nepal. That's why women empowerment, the key factor to social prosperity, proves to be a must to gear up the acceleration of humanity.
Furthermore, by repealing discriminatory laws of the state, the status of women in Nepal can be promoted because removal of them encourages the women to be empowered. For instance , women have not been provided with property right.
Women empowerment significantly contributes to human prosperity and dignity. Because of various social and legal factors which has been deeply rooted, special provisions to empower Nepalese women have to be implemented. The prime measures to women empowerment is the legal removal of inequality between men and women.
The people who are temporally without jobs are called unemployed. Unemployment refers to the state of being unemployed. 'If people do not get apt jobs to be employed, it is called the problem of unemployment'. The number of people has been accelerating swiftly.
Firstly, many people are employed in agriculture but nowadays, the trend of leaving agriculture is increasing. People feel that agriculture is not economically beneficial. Secondly, some educated people are extremely traditional. They feel that educated people should not start simple jobs. They stay home being jobless. Thirdly, they do not have apt knowledge and skill of technical and practical education.
The problem of unemployment invites many problems and social disaster. If people do not get anything to live on, they are likely to be involved in crimes such as robbery, theft etc. We can see that unemployed youths may start taking drugs and drinking. In some serious conditions, completely unemployed people are likely to commit suicide.
In order to solve the problem of unemployment, the opportunities and facilities of technical education , should be decentralized. Youths should be encouraged to get technical education. Technical hands can be self-dependent. Many job opportunities can be created by establishing many factories and industries. Similarly, emigration to citizen is to be discouraged to reduce the gravity of this problem.
The problem of unemployment can be reduced and removed but it takes a long time. Everyone must be responsible for it. This problem is more serious in towns than in villages. The development of the rural areas certainly aliveness the problem of unemployment.
The total number of people living in a certain place in a certain time is known as population. Population consists of males and females. Population is always a flux. Everyday some babies are born and some people die.
The people who are conservative want to accept as many children as they are naturally born. They think that god gives them their children, and if they try to stop giving girth to their babies, god will be unhappy with them.
They feel that more hands in a family means more income in future. Specially farmers and labourers want to give birth to many babies. They hope that their children can help them in their field work. Thus the next cause of the rapid population growth is poverty. Because of polygamy system, too population is increased.
There are many adverse effects of uncontrolled population growth. It brings many problems such as natural disasters, crimes, unemployment and poverty. If population increases rapidly a country cannot use the money for the development. More people means more problems. Growing population clears the jungle for the agriculture and settlements. Then the population gets increased. Theft and robbery can take place in the society. Most of the people have to face with the problem of unemployment.
We can control over population growth in some ways. firstly, we have to educate the people because educated people do not want to give birth to many children. The people who are illiterate should be convinced to control their family size. The means of family planning should be provided adequately all over the country. Nowadays, many parents have controlled their family size. It may be true that the upliftment of the nation depends on the controlled and well planned population.
Soil erosion is major natural disaster. Because of overpopulation, forest is being changed into agricultural lands. Natural forces like water and air cause soil erosion.
Soil erosion is a natural disaster in which soil of one place is removed and transported to other places by natural forces like air and running water. The main causes of soil erosion are deforestation, improper cultivation of land and development works.
About 240 million cubic-meters of soil is eroded every year from Nepal. It reduces the fertility of the soil by removing the top soil and also causes the depletion of forests. We can minimize soil soil erosion in the fallowing ways;
# By afforestation
# By terrace farming
# By the conservation of forests
The main causes of soil erosion are traditional farming and deforestation. By applying modern farming techniques, we can preserve the fertile soil stooping soil erosion. In this way, soil erosion is one of the leading natural disaster so in order to stop it we all the human beings should be responsible to preserve or save it. Also all the national and international person should view their attention towards nature.
He/she is taken as here an example. The aim of education is to draw out our faculties of the body on over side of his nature, to develop in him every intellectual and moral power, and to strengthen him physically, mentally and operatically so that he may turn out at the end of his college careers a useful, patriotic, pious gentleman, who respects himself and respects those around him. Education is a failure when it is simply cramming the boy's head with a lot of disjointed facts powered into the heads as into the basket, to be emptied out in the examination room and the empty basket carried out again in the world.
It is not a good education which, when a boy has passed his examination, leaves him a nervous wreak, exhausted as to his college he should be full of delight in his young life to take up the burden of the work of the world. He should not e nerve-exhausted and nerve-over strained when he has finished his educational career.
Real education brings about the development of both mental and physical features of a man and tries to speak to him into a complete human being and a patriotic and useful citizen. It helps one to face life and to accepts challenges with courage, conviction and wisdom. Certainly education fails when it degenerates into an information cramming exercise and leaves the student a nervous wreck by overstrung.
Evil minded criminals commit serious crimes. They are involved in girls trafficking, children trafficking, smuggling, robbery, theft, kidnap etc. The buying and selling of children is known as children trafficking. It is viewed to be a savage crime.
Like girls trafficking, children trafficking has presently emerged as a burring crime in Nepal. Children traffickers lure the children by giving them some money and sweets or biscuits. They mix some chemicals in sweets and biscuits which make them unconscious. Then they carry the children to a secret place. Especially, the children are taken to India.
There are some root causes of children trafficking. They are poverty, lack of public awareness, illiteracy, unemployment, carelessness of the parents, superstitions and evil cultures.
Some evil minded superstitious people want to scarifies the children to gods and goddesses. What a merciless crime it id! We can control it by different ways. All the parents should be grateful about their children. They should not be left alone to play for a long time. They must be in the sight of the parents. By reducing the gravity of poverty, this problem can be reduced. If people are well-educated and well-skilled, they certainly can understand. If all the people are conscious, most of the social crimes can be eliminated.
Children trafficking is a serious social and legal crime.I can be controlled if all the sectors and individual, concerned wok actively. The government should make strict rules to penalize the traffickers. If all the people are aptly educated, such crimes are automatically controlled.
Overflow of water is called flood. Usually we have to face flood every year. During the monsoon, the rivers in our country overflow. Floods sweep over agricultural fields and destroys crops due to heavy rain.
Floods may occur because of deforestation, heavy rain, glacial lake out burst and overgrazing. These are the major factors of flood. Sometimes flood is caused due to the destruction of dams and sometimes because of landslide in the river which blocks the flow of water.
Aquatic animals are also killed by floods. It directly affects negatively on the natural balance. Floods damage buildings and other constructions. They cause diff types of epidemic diseases and affect natural vegetation adversely.
To reduce the probability of flood and its effects, reforestation should be done on naked and barren lands and riversides. The flow of water can be diverted by making dams and channels. Those glacial lands which are possible to burst, should be identified and drained out.
At the end, by making embankments of the rivers, we can reduce human casualties and property loss from floods. As well, natural disaster are closely attributed to human activities so we should be educated and more concerned and should be responsible to save the natural beauty which is our main property.
Landslide is a natural process in which rocks debris or perts of landslide downwards. It generally occurs on the steep surface of hills. In the context of Nepal, it is found that landslide destroys a large amount of property every year.
On the main causes of landslide is deforestation. The naked areas are eroded by rainfall ans wind. It leads to soil erosion ans eventually landslide takes place.Continuous rainfall for a long period also caused landslide. Sometimes, landslide occurs because of the construction of highways and dams. Earthquakes and bombs expositions also play a vital role in the occurrence of landslide.
Different measures are to be adopted according to the nature of the place to control landslides. In the fragile areas, construction of roads and dams should be restricted. Plantation should be done in such places. Landslide can be controlled by constructing stone walls and by planting Faust growing plants. Retaining walls should be constructed at the place where continuous landslide occurs. Terrace farming should be done on the steep surface of hills.
Overall, by preserving forests we can reduce human casualties and property loss from the landslides. Except the earthquake, most of the natural disasters are connected to the careless and evils activities of human beings. If we human save the nature aptly and honestly, most of the landslide problem can be reduced.
volcanoVolcano is another natural disaster. When the hot semi-molten mass inside the earth comes out through a crack previously formed or through a weak spot on the earth's surface, it is called volcanic eruption. Such eruption are caused by the force exerted on the semi-molten material.
During a volcanic eruption, sounds of exp lotions are also heard. The molten materials coming out from volcanoes are about 2500 c in temperature. When a volcano erupts, diff types of gases, water vapour, lava and ash like materials come out. Sometimes these materials obstruct the sunlight and make atmosphere dusty around the region for several days.
A volcano destroys both natural ans artificial structures. The ash like materials and gases causes air pollution. The materials that come out from a volcano may be deposited in the form of a mountain called volcanic mountain. It may cover fertile land and make it infertile.
In this way, volcano eruption is one of the most leading problem in the world. That's why all the national and international committee concerned should pay a more attention on these field, so that there may not occur any types of problem. Even we people should be educated on the subject matter.
Earth Shaking or vibration of earth surface is called earthquake. It destroys a large number of lives and large amount of property. There are two types of earthquake. They are the vertical earth quake and the horizontal earthquake.
In the vertical earth quake, the earth's surface vibrates up and down; and in the horizontal earth quake; the earth's surface vibrates horizontally.
Earthquake cannot be fore casted. No such instrument has been invented which can detect the potential earthquake previously so that people can be informed. That is why, earthquake is very dangerous. Its magnitude is measured by using an instrument called seismograph and its unit is Richter. Richter scale varies in between the range of 0 to 9. The earthquakes having magnitude of more than 7 Richter scale are considered to be very destructive.
The seismic tremors experienced before a big.
Earthquake are called fore shocks and the tremor's experienced after a big earthquake are called after shocks. Earthquakes are mainly caused by following activities.
-Tectonic activities; due to the motion of tectonic plates( continental plate) .
- Volcanic activities; due to the flow of magma (lava) during the volcanic eruption.
#Local activities: due to the explosion of bombs, erosion, deposition and landslide.

Animal rightsHuman beings keep and use many animals for various purpose. Animals are also living beings like us. They also seek love and sympathy. They want to be free but they cannot express their desire in their language. We can realize what they want if we study their behaviour deeply. They want to enjoy their wants and freedom.
We human beings are very cruel to animals. We treat them very badly. We do not care their rights and wishes. We keep them at home for our benifit and enjoyment. In order to preserve animal rights, we have to reform our nature and habits. We must treat them friendly. We should feel that they also have sense of pain, love, hunger, friendship etc. We must love them as they love us. By nature, human beings are not carnivorous.
Preservation of animal rights proves to be very important. If we want to preserve animals naturally, we have to preserve the natural resourses. Therefore, we can preserve the ecology and environment. To preserve nature is to preserve ourselves. Ultimately, we can minimize the ruins of natural disasters if we preserve animals. Furthermore, it is said that eating meat is not completely beneficial for our health.
We must realize that animals are our friends. They never betary and harm us. They do not deprive our rights. We should treat them using our conscience. We human beings are prime role players to preserve animal rights.
Education for childrenThere are different stages in human life. We must learn different knowledge and skills during different stages, but real learning age begins at the stages, but real learning age begins at the age of five and furthers. Education is equally important for all. It is one of the fundamental requirement for each. Life can be successful by the help of appropriate education.
Children is the cornerstone of human life. It is the age of starting and getting formal education. Education plays the prime roles as the most important factor for the development of an individual and the society as well. Education refers to the preparation for life. Learning during childhood is easier and faster. All the children should be sent to schools. They must be taught in homely atmosphere, but not in a fearful and strained situation. They must feel safe at school. They must be loved and cared comfortably.
Good manners and discipline function as the keys to success. Children should learn these things at schools. Discipline and good manners lead everyone to a prosperous life. Small children can imitate adults behaviour. similarly, they also copy/imitate teacher's activities. Therefore, teachers and parents should be good models for the small children. Some of the children who are handicapped deserve own sympathy, generosity, mercy and affection to be educated.
Educated people play great roles for the development of the country. They should be responsible for the nation. If the small children at schools are properly taught the important of patriotism, then they love and respect the country.
Road accidentBuses, cars, trains, trucks, vans, motorcycles etc are common means of transport. These means of move along the roads. We can hear and see many roads accidents, Some road accidents are simple while others are very frightening and heart breaking. Many people get injured in the road accidents. Unfortunately some passengers are killed in serious accidents.Road accidents are very common. Various causes and responsible circumstances lead the vehicles to the accidents. The main causes of the road accidents are carelessness of the driver, construction and location of the road. Failures of the engine, violation of traffic rules, weather condition and so on. Inappropriate condition of the roads invites many accident,for example we can see and hear many road accident in rough roads which are very narrow. Similarly, the violation of traffic rules by the drivers and trekking passengers also causes some road accidents.
Road accidents ultimately result human casualties and property loss. Many passengers are killed on the spot while others get badly injured and are ultimately compelled to be handicapped or weaker.
The passengers who are travel ling along the risky route are always terrified and psychologically depressed. It is said that over-confidence and lack of apt experience call many road accidents, that's why each driver is expected to be only confident, but not over confident.
Road accidents seem to be very common; they claim human casualties and property loss though. If the vehicles are wisely and aptly driven, very rare accidents may take place. Application of the traffic rules is also the key solution to this problem.
Social evilsOur society consists of both good and bad people. The people who practice social evils and crimes ruins human prosperity, dignity and civilization. Some of them such as untouchable, dowry system, early marriage, drug addiction, theft, corruption and smuggling have affected the society disastrously.
Nowadays, social evils are increasing rapidly. Many youths of urban regions are reported to be involved in drug addiction, robbery, girl trafficking, rapes and so on. The involvement in these social evils refers to a serious crime which invites heavy punishment by law.
Social evils are such whose lead human prosperity to failures and ruins. Many crimes are committed by the individuals who are involved in social evils. Some social evils may lead the people to serious crimes such as murders, suicide etc. It is every one's duty to root out these social evils. The people who are willingly involved in practicing social evils should be legally punished by the state. Some innocent people indirectly help to practice these social evils, they should not be punished, rather they should be educated.
Social evils cannot be uprooted very quickly. They certainly invite social disasters, failures and ruins. They adversely affect people's life. It is every one's duty to uproot these evils to enhance the prosperity of our society.
Adult education 'Education for all' proves to be a slogan and aphorism. A person who is over twenty years of age is normally called an adult. The special education for the adult is known as adult education. In order to reduce the number of illiterate adults, it is implemented in most of the countries.
Illiterate adults are taught how to read and write. The basic skills and know of language and mathematics are given to adults. The government of Nepal has implemented adult education all over the country. The main aim of adult education is to make the illiterate people literate. Literacy is the basic need for all the people.
The adults who are illiterate do not want to go to general schools with small children. Illiterate people have to face with many problems. Adult education is based on the opinion that nobody can have a happy and prosperous life unless he/she is educated. It is expected that after the completion of adulated, they can read simple books, letters, newspapers, magazines and solve simple applied problems of mathematics.
Adult education is basically necessary for the illiterate adults. It is specially necessary in development countries like Nepal, Bhutan and so on. All the illiterate adults should be encouraged to learn adult education. It is necessary for the uplift of the country as well.
UrbanizationUrbanization refers to the process of changing rural areas into town. Urban areas occupy smaller space than rural ones. The density of population in urban areas is certainly higher. Nowadays, many places are urbanized.
Urbanization absolutely offers us tremendous achievements and strengths. Urban areas do possess some demerits. Town are over-crowded. Nowadays, there are over-populated and polluted life in over busy and mechanical in urban areas.
There are more people looking for jobs than the jobs available. And as a result, the problem of unemployment gets vastly gravitons. Therefore, life style in urban areas is really complex, risky and mechanical.
Scientific discoveries and their devices have made us enjoy various modes of comforts and luxuriate a living. Most of the modern devices are easily available in urban areas. That's why scientific discoveries are another causes of urbanization.
People can easily educate their children because of ample availability of academic institutions in towns.
Although urban life is complex, most of the people want to live in towns. The facilities available in towns attract many people; some people are fed up with urban life though. They wish to live in rural areas. They are in fact, peace-loving people.
The education system in which both boys and girls together get education in the same institution and during the same time is called co-education. Mostly, all over the world, both boys and girls get education together. In Nepal, there are only a few female education institutions. Most of the schools, colleges and universities are providing co-education.
In an ancient times, co-education was strongly criticized. Traditional educationist believed that men and women cannot learn together. They say that men cannot study when women are around. They claim that the co-education decreases the degree of discipline of the student. Sex attraction ruins the study and discipline of the learners. It promotes love fashion which may result failures and ruins in students life.
The supporters of co-education strongly argue that it promotes better understanding between the young boys and girls. They can understand each other to teach boys and girls together is natural. Co-education strengthens sense of intimacy, friendship, equality and co-operation between and among the student. They are psychologically motivated to learn. They build up feeling of competition in study and other constructive activities.
Although some people and educationists deny co-education system, it is the need of the day co-education certainly makes students learn anything properly because co-education institutions have homely environment.
Education for developmentEducation proves to be one of the most important factors for the development of human civilization. Education enhances human status and leads everyone to prosperity. Education provides manpower, strengthens national unity and uplifts public awareness. The climax of science and technology has emerged as the contribution of education.
Both technical and administrative manpower are required in a country. A development project gets buttressed if it is aptly provided with technical hands. National unity is considered to be one of the vital and basically required factors to achieve the motto of the state. Education promotes national unity by enhancing the degree of pubic awareness. The people who are aptly educated prove to be patriots and ultimately patriotism gets strengthened. The people who are not superstitious do wish to follow the modern and scientific path to human civilization. Education makes them dynamic and progressive to fructify their activities.
Education plays the prime role to enhance both physical and spiritual development of human society. Spiritual development is more important than physical one. It is sure that proper education certainly gears up the development and human civilization to ablaze and eccentric achievement of human steps. Thus, education plays the role of the base stone of development.
Dowry systemWe live in our society. It is made up of different castes and sub-castes. There are different traditions and cultures . Some of the traditions are good but not all of them. Dowry system is one of the social evils which is in practice till now. Dowry is the property or money given to the bride to take her husband's house when she gets married. This evil system is practiced in some part of Nepal, India and so on.
Nowadays dowry is a major factor when someone gets married. The bridegroom's family propose the amount of dowry and if the bride's family agree it, the marriage program me is organized but the dowry should be given on the day of marriage if he does not get the decided dowry. It is the worst aspect of this system.
Nowadays, the bridegrooms demand more property from the bride's family. Thus, this social evils has commercialized marriage contract and conjugal life. This system often invites fatal disasters in the conjugal life. Some of the newly married women are murdered by their husbands as the result of dowry system what a savage brutality. Nowadays this system has been developed as the source of earning property for unmarried males. Many good girls cannot get good husbands if their parents are not well off. Therefore, this system should be either eradicated or reformed.
I think that this system should be banned by law. All the educated girls and boys should discourage and avoid this system when they get married. The parents of the girls should educated their daughters properly. If the girls are educated, they can find good husband themselves. At any cost this system should be wiped out for a well-cultured and civilized society.
IndustrializationExtensive development of industries in a country or area is called industrialization. Nowadays, many countries in the world has been industrialized. Every country in the world wants to extend its industries in order to consolidate the economic status of it.
Industries absolutely results many advantages. The economy of the country is strengthened as the result of industries. Various categories of skilled and well educated are required in the industries. Industries in a country certainly reduces imports and increases exports.
Industrialization certainly possesses some catastrophic impacts. We can see that the problem of pollution is killing the people in the industrialized countries. It certainly causes air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, soil pollution. It also invites ozen layer depletion. Industries causes imbalances and ruins in ecology and environment. The disappearance of natural resources causes imbalance in nature. ultimately, human beings are adversely affected.
Although industrialization invites some ecological and environmental problems, it certainly uplifts the economic status of a country. Therefore, industrialization is required everywhere. But, we have to try to assuage the disadvantages of it by establishing and running industries wisely.
Importance of educationEducation signifies the preparation for life . It is the light of life . It is a continuous and life-long process. It attributes the most precious and permanent properly of an individual . It invites positive and constructive changes in life . It makes our life really prosperous and meaningful . Everyone wants to be well-educated . Therefore, we see many students going to schools, colleges and universities .
Education plays a vital role in the development of human civilization. It is the prime key to personality uplift development. It enables everyone to be self-dependent. It makes people civilized, good mannered, aware, well-skilled and responsible .
Education is considered to be the foundation of development. It provides the nation with technical and administrative manpower's. Education promotes national unity. If people are well-educated, they can understand need and importance of national unity.
Education is the most important property of an individual. The progress of the nation depends on its educated manpower's.
Education is one of the basics needs for us. That's why everybody is expected to be well educated. It is said that education brightens and enhances human civilization.
We can see beggars walking door to door for begging as their professions. In some countries, begging is banned by law. In some of the countries like Nepal, India and others it is not illegal. People in these countries are habitual to give alms and charity to beggars. They treat beggars positively and with mercy.
Some beggars are physically handicapped. They cannot work. They have to beg to live on because they are always helpless. Their conditions seem to be miserable. Begging is compatible with distinct perspectives and reasons. I feel that they posses strange nature.
Begging, the result of social deformation, invites unwanted activities which may adversely affect the society. It has emerged as a social problem too. The government should plan to solve the problem of beggars. Able beggars should be given jobs. Unable beggars have to be fed and cared by the state. Encouraging the able beggars to work may access that way to this solution.
Furthermore, beggars do not beg actually beg for their wants, desire and affection, but some of the beggars beg for their living hood. If the beggars are given proper work for their living there may be the progress of the development.
Girl trafficking is literally defined as selling of girls illegally. It is a major social crime in country such as Nepal, India etc. It has been spread rapidly in some remote areas where people are uneducated, ignored and poor. Girls traffickers in Nepal are reported to sell girls in India.
Girls trafficking in Nepal seem to be a challenging problem. Girls traffickers have made a complex networks, to supply the girls they go to the remote areas pretending to be a social workers, teachers, officials etc. They try to influence the illiterate people. They lure the people in many ways.
Girls trafficking is primarily attributed to ignorance, lack of apt public awareness, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment and intricate network of smuggling and girls trafficking. Girls trafficking results the entire violation of human rights. Therefore, girls trafficking adversely affects the prosperity of human civilization.
Girls trafficking proves to be a stigma of a country. It can be uprooted by making people conscious. Everyone is responsible to solve this problem. Furthermore, girls traffickers should be sentenced life imprisonment or the capital punishment by law. This crime needs entire measures to eradicate its existence for ever.
it is all about education and socil problems,evils and disasters